Alerts for DBS or Right to work expiry

What are alerts?

We have introduced alerts to help you manage your SCR (Single Central Record) with automated reminders if any vetting checks are expiring and due for renewal. This helps you stay compliant and keep staff records up to date. These alerts notify you about:

  • DBS renewals due
  • Work permit/right to work expiry

How does it work?

If any staff record needs updating, you will see an “Activity” section on the dashboard with a counter showing the number of affected records. Click “Show all” or the message icon on the top right of the vetting homepage to view all alerts for the school.

There are two types of alerts:

Informative alerts,  or upcoming event

Immediate action needed &  compliant risk

  1. Informative Alerts: Notifications about upcoming events or non-regulatory recommendations, such as DBS renewals.
  2. Immediate Action Needed: Alerts where there is an immediate compliance risk, such as an expired work permit.

How do the alerts work?

DBS Renewal

  • You will be reminded to renew your DBS certificate 3 years after its issue date.
  • Reminders start 2 months before the renewal date and continue until the certificate issue date is updated.
  • DBS renewal does not affect your overall staff vetting status, as it is not a regulatory requirement.

DBS Update Service

  • If your staff is on DBS update service, you will be reminded to renew 1 year after last checked date.
  • DBS renewal does not affect your overall staff vetting status, as it is not a regulatory requirement.

Work Permit/ Right to Work expiry

  • Reminders start 1 month before the work permit expiry date and continue until it is updated under the “Right to Work” check.
  • An expired work permit affects regulatory compliance, and an “Action needed” icon will appear on both the staff profile and the SCR.

How do I dismiss or resolve an alert?

To resolve an alert, click on it to go to the relevant section in the staff vetting profile. Update either of the following, depending on the alert:

  • DBS Certificate Issue Date
  • DBS Update Service Last Checked
  • RTW (Right to Work) Permit Expiry Date

Once updated, record a new check to mark the alert as resolved. If you wish to dismiss alerts without taking action, please contact Zen for support.

How does this appear on the SCR?

The action required is indicated in the Single Central Record tab below:

Can I customise the alerts?

Currently, this feature does not support customisation. However, we plan to add this capability soon. Please email us with your customisation requests.

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