Configuring a vetting check for a role type

If you ever need to add and/or remove a vetting to ensure that your vetting is in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education or Safer Recruitment, the below steps will show you how you can do this via the Zen Vetting platform.

  1. To add a new vetting check to role type, click the vetting tab on the dashboard.
  2. Click into the role type you would like to add a vetting check to.
  3. You will see the pre-set checks that are already set for each role type first.
  4. Scroll down and you will see other pre-set vetting checks that you can add by clicking the blue plus sign icon.
  5. This will then be added to the vetting checks for that role type and will reflect on your SCR.
  6. To remove a check click the red minus icon.
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